Bienvenue Le Conseil d'Administration Base de données

bouton.gif Dispersion des Séguin sur le territoire

Cette page vous laisse voir la dispersion des Séguin : par ancêtre, par génération et ensuite par ville avec le nombre de Séguin. Les boutons en vert sont vos sélections actives.

François Séguin  Denis Saillant  Joseph Séguin   Jean Segouin  Guillaume Seguin  Jean-Jacques Séguin  
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Descendance de François Séguin dit Ladéroute et Jeanne Petit pour les Lieu de Sépulture
1e Génération
(1 Ville/ 1 Individus)

1Aucun lieu
2e Génération
(6 Ville/ 11 Individus)

4Boucherville QC
1Détroit MI
3Longueuil QC
1Mascouche QC
1Montréal QC
1Terrebonne QC
3e Génération
(12 Ville/ 51 Individus)

11Aucun lieu
10Boucherville QC
5Détroit MI
2Ile-Jésus QC
3Kaskaskia IL
1Lachenaie QC
2Mascouche QC
4Oka QC
1Ste-Thérèse QC
7Terrebonne QC
4Vaudreuil QC
1Verchères QC
4e Génération
(25 Ville/ 144 Individus)

42Aucun lieu
20Boucherville QC
9Détroit MI
2Ile-Jésus QC
1Ile-Perrot QC
1Kaskaskia IL
1Lachenaie QC
3Les Cèdres QC
1Marieville QC
1Montréal QC
1Napierville QC
18Oka QC
1Québec QC
1Repentigny QC
8Rigaud QC
3St-Benoit QC
1St-Cuthbert QC
1St-Isidore QC
1St-Polycarpe QC
1St-Valentin QC
2Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
1Ste-Rosalie QC
12Terrebonne QC
10Vaudreuil QC
2Windsor ON
5e Génération
(58 Ville/ 320 Individus)

97Aucun lieu
2Blainville QC
19Boucherville QC
1Bourbonnais IL
1Buckingham QC
2Coteau-du-Lac QC
7Détroit MI
1Embrun ON
2Fournier ON
1Gatineau QC
1Henryville QC
1Iberville QC
1Ile-Perrot QC
2Kaskaskia IL
1Keeseville NY
2L'Orignal ON
1Lachenaie QC
1Le Gardeur
3Le Gardeur QC
7Les Cèdres QC
2Marieville QC
1Mont-St-Grégoire QC
2Montebello QC
9Montréal QC
1Moose Creek ON
1Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge QC
9Oka QC
2Papineauville QC
1Plantagenet ON
1Pointe-Gatineau QC
1Québec QC
11Repentigny QC
44Rigaud QC
2Ripon QC
2Roxton Falls QC
1St-Anicet QC
6St-Benoit QC
1St-Cyprien-de-Napierville QC
1St-Eugène ON
1St-Hermas QC
2St-Lazare QC
1St-Mathias-sur-Richelieu QC
1St-Paul OR
1St-Placide QC
1St-Simon QC
1St-Vincent-de-Paul QC
1Ste-Anne-de-Prescott ON
2Ste-Justine-de-Newton QC
2Ste-Marthe QC
2Ste-Rosalie QC
1Stukely-Nord QC
1Tecumseh ON
8Terrebonne QC
1Très-St-Rédempteur QC
1Varennes QC
31Vaudreuil QC
10Windsor ON
6e Génération
(137 Ville/ 961 Individus)

284Aucun lieu
1Alexandria ON
8Alfred ON
4Alpena MI
1Apple Hill ON
1Au Sable Forks NY
1Ausable Forks NY
1Bark River MI
1Berlin NH
1Biddeford ME
1Blezard Valley ON
15Boucherville QC
1Bourbonnais IL
1Calgary AB
1Carlsbad Springs ON
1Casselman ON
1Charlemagne QC
1Chelmsford MA
1Chénéville QC
2Clarence Creek ON
1Clear Creek WI
1Clyde SK
2Coopersville NY
2Cornwall ON
5Coteau-du-Lac QC
6Curran ON
6Détroit MI
1East Aldfield QC
1Edmonton AB
2Embrun ON
1Essex ON
1Evanston IL
3Fournier ON
5Gatineau QC
2Gervais OR
1Glen Robertson ON
1Glengarry ON
1Grenville QC
1Grosse Pointe MI
1Hammond ON
4Hawkesbury ON
1Hillside IL
5Hudson QC
20Hull QC
1Iberville QC
1Ione CA
1Kawkawlin MI
2Keeseville NY
1L'Assomption QC
13L'Orignal ON
1Lachine QC
2Laval QC
1Lawrence MA
5Le Gardeur
1Le Gardeur Q
9Le Gardeur QC
1Leavennorth KS
32Les Cèdres QC
1Lincoln NE
1Lochiel ON
3Longueuil QC
9Marieville QC
4Montebello QC
1Montpelier VT
41Montréal QC
4Moose Creek ON
1Munising MI
4Napierville QC
1Notre-Dame IL
3Ogdensburg NY
2Oka QC
7Ottawa ON
2Papineauville QC
1Pawtucket RI
3Pembroke ON
1Pierrefonds QC
2Plantagenet ON
1Plattsburgh NY
2Pointe-Gatineau QC
1Portland OR
1Pte-Claire QC
1Pte-Fortune QC
2Pte-Gatineau QC
7Repentigny QC
173Rigaud QC
4Ripon QC
1River Canard ON
1Roxton Falls QC
1Salaberry-de-Valleyfield QC
1Sandwich ON
1Sherrington QC
1St-Albert ON
6St-André-Avellin QC
1St-Andrew's ON
1St-Anicet QC
1St-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
17St-Benoit QC
1St-Césaire QC
1St-Clet QC
16St-Eugène ON
12St-Eustache QC
1St-Hermas QC
4St-Hyacinthe QC
1St-Isidore QC
3St-Isidore-de-Prescott ON
2St-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC
4St-Lazare QC
2St-Louis OR
2St-Luc QC
1St-Paul-l'Ermite QC
1St-Pierre MB
4St-Polycarpe QC
2St-Timothée QC
6St-Valentin QC
5St-Zotique QC
2Ste-Angèle-de-Monnoir QC
4Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
3Ste-Anne-de-Prescott ON
2Ste-Cécile-de-Masham QC
13Ste-Justine-de-Newton QC
10Ste-Marthe QC
5Ste-Rosalie QC
1Stoney Point ON
1Stormont ON
2Stukeley QC
7Tecumseh ON
1Thurso QC
1Tilbury ON
1Toledo OH
9Très-St-Rédempteur QC
1Val-des-Monts QC
1Vankleek Hill ON
32Vaudreuil QC
1Verchères QC
1Wendover ON
6Windsor ON
7e Génération
(273 Ville/ 2,392 Individus)

822Aucun lieu
1Aberdeen SD
11Alexandria ON
27Alfred ON
10Alpena MI
2Andover MA
5Arnprior ON
7Au Sable Forks NY
2Ausable Forks NY
1Aylmer QC
1Barre VT
1Batoche SK
1Battle Creek MI
1Bay City MI
1Bellerive QC
4Berlin NH
1Biddeford ME
1Bigwood ON
1Blezard Valley ON
2Blind River ON
1Bonnyville AB
15Boucherville QC
1Brockville ON
2Burlington VT
1Butte MT
1Carleton ON
6Carlsbad Springs ON
5Center Line MI
5Charlemagne QC
2Châteauguay QC
1Chelmsford ON
1Chénéville QC
2Chicago IL
1Chute-à-Blondeau ON
1Clarence Creek ON
3Clear Creek WI
1Cochrane ON
1Coopersville NY
1Coquitlam BC
17Cornwall ON
4Coteau-du-Lac QC
1Coxsackie NY
17Curran ON
1Cyrville ON
1Dalkeith ON
1Danielson CT
1Daster MI
15Détroit MI
1Dorval QC
2Duluth MN
1Easthampton MA
2Eau Claire WI
3Edmonton AB
1Elk Point SD
1Ellenburg NY
15Embrun ON
1Enniskerry ON
2Enumclaw WA
1Eureka MT
3Evanston IL
1Eveleth MN
2Everett MA
1Fair Haven Mass
1Fairbanks AK
1Fairhaven MA
1Fitchburg MA
1Flushing NY
4Fournier ON
27Gatineau QC
1Gentilly QC
9Gervais OR
1Gladstone MI
2Glen Nevis ON
2Glen Robertson ON
3Glendale CA
3Glengarry ON
1Grand-Mère QC
1Grande Traverse MI
1Grants Pass OR
7Grenville QC
1Hailybury ON
1Hanmer ON
2Haverhill MA
1Hawarden IA
11Hawkesbury ON
1Hennepin MN
1Hudson NH
34Hudson QC
42Hull QC
2Ione CA
2Kawkawlin MI
1Keeseville NY
2Kenmore NY
1Klamath Falls OR
2L'Ascension QC
7L'Assomption QC
30L'Orignal ON
2La Minerve QC
1Lac-Saguay QC
1Lachine QC
3Lachute QC
1Lake Mills WI
1Lake Wales FL
1Lancaster ON
1LaSalle QC
1Latulippe QC
1Lawrence MA
7Le Gardeur
2Le Gardeur QC
1Lefaivre ON
63Les Cèdres QC
1Lévis QC
1Limestone OH
1Lincoln NE
1London ON
3Longueuil QC
1Los Angeles CA
1Mandsfield MA
1Maniwaki QC
1Maple Ridge MI
4Marieville QC
1Marinette WI
1Masson QC
8Mattawa ON
1Midland IN
1Milford MA
1Missoula MT
1Mont St-Grégoire QC
4Mont-St-Grégoire QC
5Montebello QC
1Montpelier VT
2Montpellier QC
161Montréal QC
11Moose Creek ON
1Moosup CT
1Muskegon MI
2New Bedford MA
1Niles IL
1Noëlville ON
1North Adams MA
5North Bay ON
1North Hatley
1Notre-Dame IL
1Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette QC
10Ogdensburg NY
5Oka QC
1Oneida NY
1Oregon OH
43Ottawa ON
1Palmetto FL
9Papineauville QC
1Pas de Calais FR
3Pembroke ON
1Petaluma CA
10Plantagenet ON
1Plattsburgh NY
1Pointe-aux-Roches ON
1Pointe-Claire QC
5Pointe-Gatineau QC
4Portland OR
3Pte-Fortune QC
7Pte-Gatineau QC
1Québec QC
1Ransom IL
1Repentigny QC
1Richelieu QC
277Rigaud QC
23Ripon QC
1Rivière-Beaudette QC
1Rock Island QC
4Rockland ON
1Ronan MT
3Rouses Point NY
2Roxton Falls QC
1Rumney NH
1Russell ON
2Saginaw MI
7Salaberry-de-Valleyfield QC
1San Diego CA
1Sandwich MA
1Sault-Ste-Marie MI
3Schaffer MI
1Seattle WA
1Sennett NY
1Sherrington QC
2South Bend IN
1Springfield MA
13St-André-Avellin QC
1St-André-d'Argenteuil QC
1St-André-Est QC
8St-Anicet QC
1St-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
13St-Benoit QC
1St-Bernardin ON
9St-Boniface MB
1St-Césaire QC
6St-Chrysostome QC
6St-Clet QC
29St-Eugène ON
1St-Eugène-de-Prescott ON
4St-Eustache QC
2St-Hermas QC
12St-Hyacinthe QC
1St-Ignatius MT
4St-Isidore-de-Prescott ON
2St-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC
3St-Jérôme QC
1St-Joseph-de-Sorel QC
3St-Laurent QC
4St-Lazare QC
1St-Louis MO
5St-Louis OR
2St-Luc QC
3St-Mathias-sur-Richelieu QC
3St-Pascal-Baylon ON
1St-Paul L'Ermite QC
1St-Paul OR
1St-Paul-l'Hermite QC
1St-Philippe QC
1St-Philippe-d'Argenteuil QC
14St-Polycarpe QC
1St-Raphael ON
4St-Simon QC
5St-Timothée QC
1St-Urbain-Premier QC
1St-Walburg SK
6St-Zotique QC
1Stanstead QC
1Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
8Ste-Anne-de-Prescott ON
2Ste-Brigide-d'Iberville QC
1Ste-Eulalie QC
1Ste-Hélène-de-Bagot QC
29Ste-Justine-de-Newton QC
37Ste-Marthe QC
1Ste-Rosalie QC
1Ste-Rose-de-Lima QC
1Stormont ON
1Stukely Nord QC
1Sturgeon Falls ON
4Sudbury ON
1Superior WI
12Tecumseh ON
1Thunder Bay ON
4Thurso QC
1Tilbury ON
1Timmins ON
6Toledo OH
1Toronto ON
1Très St-Rédempteur QC
10Très-St-Rédempteur QC
1Union Station OH
1Val-des-Monts QC
1Valleyfield QC
9Vankleek Hill ON
1Vars ON
23Vaudreuil QC
1Vaudreuil-Dorion QC
1Verchères QC
1Verdun QC
1Villemontel QC
2Vincennes IN
1Warren MI
5Waterford NY
1Wendover ON
1Westfield MA
1Williamstown ON
17Windsor ON
1Winnipeg MN
1Winooski VT
1Woodstock ON
8e Génération
(481 Ville/ 4,756 Individus)

1841Aucun lieu
1Aberdeen SD
1Aberdeen WA
1Alban ON
35Alexandria ON
44Alfred ON
1Alma Center WI
1Almont MI
11Alpena MI
1Alsip IL
1Amherst NY
2Amos QC
1Andover MA
2Angers QC
2Apple Hill ON
1Arlington VA
15Arnprior ON
1Attleboro MA
10Au Sable Forks NY
2Ausable Forks NY
5Aylmer QC
1Baie-St-Paul QC
1Baldwin Mills QC
1Bangor ME
1Barre VT
2Batoche SK
4Bay City MI
1Bay County MI
1Beaudry QC
1Bedford NH
2Belle River ON
1Belleville ON
1Beloeil QC
1Bennington VT
6Berlin NH
1Bienfait SK
1Black Brook NY
4Blezard Valley ON
5Blind River ON
5Bonfield ON
3Bonnyville AB
2Boucherville QC
2Bourget ON
1Brattleboro VT
1Bristol CT
1Brockville ON
1Bromont QC
1Brook Park OH
1Brossard QC
1Brownsburg-Chatham QC
3Buckingham QC
1Buckner Il
2Buffalo NY
1Burlington IA
4Burlington VT
1Burnaby BC
1Cache Bay ON
1Calgary AB
1Canandaigua NY
1Cap-Rouge QC
1Carleton ON
3Carlsbad Springs ON
2Casselman ON
1cérémonie privée
1Chalk River ON
1Charlemagne QC
1Charlottesville VA
6Châteauguay QC
2Chelmsford ON
1Cheltenham PA
3Chénéville QC
6Chicago IL
1Chicoutimi QC
1Churubusco NY
7Chute-à-Blondeau ON
5Clarence Creek ON
1Clinton township MI
1Cobalt ON
1Colchester CT
1Colchester VT
1Colma CA
1Contrecoeur QC
1Cook IL
2Coquitlam BC
1Coquitlan BC
40Cornwall ON
16Coteau-du-Lac QC
1Coxsackie NY
1Crystal Falls ON
1Culver City
26Curran ON
1Dalkeith ON
1Danielson CT
1Dawson City YT
2Dearborn MI
10Détroit MI
1Deux-Montagnes QC
1Dover TN
1Drummondville QC
1Dulth MN
2Duluth MN
1Dunham QC
1Durand MI
1East Dennis MA
1East Farmingdale NY
6Eau Claire WI
2Edmonton AB
1El Cerrito CA
1Eleva WI
5Elk Point SD
4Ellenburg NY
20Embrun ON
1Emeryville ON
1Englehart ON
1Enumclaw WA
2Enunclaw WA
1Escanaba MI
1Espanola ON
1Essex ON
1Eveleth MN
1Everett WA
1Exeter RI
1Fairview TN
1Fall River MA
2Farnham QC
2Field ON
4Fitchburg MA
6Flushing NY
1Forest Park IL
1Fort Myers FL
15Fournier ON
1Fowlerville Mi
1Fruitport MI
2Fulton NY
1funeral was held
136Gatineau QC
4Gentilly QC
3Gervais OR
3Glen Nevis ON
12Glen Robertson ON
3Glenmont NY
1Glenwood IL
1Gloucester ON
1Gorham NH
4Granby QC
1Grand Marais MI
1Grand Rapides MI
1Gravenhurst ON
2Great Falls MT
1Greenfield ON
3Grenville QC
1Groesbeek Hollande
1Guelph ON
1Hagerstown MD
1Haileybury ON
1Hammond ON
1Hampton VA
2Hanmer ON
2Hartford CT
1Haverhill MA
46Hawkesbury ON
1Hearst ON
1Highlands WI
1Howell MI
70Hudson QC
74Hull QC
1Humbold SK
5Iberville QC
2Ile-Perrot QC
1Ironwood MN
1Iroquois Falls ON
1Jackson MI
1Jenison MI
1Johnson VT
1Joliette QC
1Kankakee IL
1Kansas KS
3Kawkawlin MI
1Kelowna BC
1Kemptville ON
4Kenmore NY
2Kirkland Lake ON
1L'Annonciation QC
1L'Ascension QC
1L'Assomption QC
1L'Ile-du-Grand-Calumet QC
54L'Orignal ON
4La Minerve QC
1La Pêche QC
1La Prairie QC
1La Tuque QC
12Lachine QC
14Lachute QC
2Lancaster ON
1Langley BC
13Laval QC
2Lavaltrie QC
2Le Gardeur
1Le Gardeur QC
1Lefaivre ON
62Les Cèdres QC
1Libertyville IL
2Limestone OH
1Little Falls MN
1Livonia MI
2Lochiel ON
7Longueuil QC
1Ludington MI
1Madison WI
1Maidstone ON
1Malartic QC
2Manchester NH
4Maniwaki QC
2Maple Ridge MI
1Marieville QC
4Marinette WI
1Marionville ON
1Martintown ON
2Massena NY
6Masson QC
1Matheson ON
2Mattawa ON
1Maxville ON
1McIntosh Springs ON
2McMasterville QC
2Mercier QC
1Methuen MA
1Middlebury VT
1Midland MI
1Milwaukee WI
3Minneapolis MN
1Minnetrista MN
1Mirabel QC
2Mishawaka In
1Missoula MT
1Monroe MI
2Mont St-Patrick ON
1Mont-Royal QC
3Mont-St-Grégoire QC
25Montebello QC
1Montevideo MN
1Montpelier VT
1Montpellier QC
333Montréal QC
1Montréal-Nord QC
1Montréall QC
1Moonbeam ON
13Moose Creek ON
3Moosup CT
1Muskegon MI
1N.D.-de-l'Île-Perrot QC
1Naicam SK
1Nashua NH
1Nashville TN
1Nekoma ND
1Nepean ON
8New Bedford MA
1New Bedford QC
1New York NY
1Newcastle NE
1Newport VT
1Niagara Falls ON
1Niagara WI
4Noëlville ON
1Nominingue QC
3North Adams MA
10North Bay ON
3North Hatley
1North Hatley QC
1North Hatley QC
1North Tonawanda NY
1North Woodslee ON
6North-Bay ON
1Notre-Dame-du-Laus QC
1Oakland CA
1Odessa SK
14Ogdensburg NY
1Oka QC
2Oldcastle ON
3Olga ND
5Oneida NY
8Oregon OH
4Orléans ON
2Oshawa ON
1Ossipee NH
112Ottawa ON
1Owen Sound ON
17Papineauville QC
4Pawtucket RI
1Perkins QC
2Perrysburg OH
1Peterborough ON
1Pinewood ON
4Pittsfield MA
4Plaisance QC
12Plantagenet ON
1Plattsburgh NY
1Plymouth NH
1Pointe-Claire QC
1Pointe-Fortune QC
3Pointe-Gatineau QC
4Portland OR
1Porttland OR
2Prescott ON
1Prescott-Russell ON
3Pte-Claire QC
2Pte-Fortune QC
8Pte-Gatineau QC
1Québec QC
1Ransom IL
1Red Rock ON
1Régina SK
1Rensselaer NY
1Renton WA
3Repentigny QC
1Riceville ON
4Richelieu QC
1Richland WA
256Rigaud QC
73Ripon QC
1Riverside CA
1Rivière-aux-Renards ON
5Rivière-Beaudette QC
1Rivière-du-Loup QC
1Rivière-Rouge QC
1Rochester NY
1Rock Island QC
15Rockland ON
1Rockville MD
15Rouses Point NY
2Rouyn-Noranda QC
7Saginaw MI
11Salaberry-de-Valleyfield QC
2Salem OR
1Salt Lake City UT
1San Diego CA
1Sandwich MA
1Sandwich ON
1Sarnia ON
3Sarsfield ON
1Sault Ste-Marie ON
1Sayers TX
5Seattle WA
1Sebree KY
1Sedro Wooley WA
5Shelby MI
7Sherrington QC
1Shoreline WA
1Sioux Falls SD
2Sorel QC
2Sorel-Tracy QC
1South Bend IN
1South Gloucester ON
1South Stormont ON
2Southfield MI
1Springfield MA
1St Ignatius MT
1St-Albert AB
41St-André-Avellin QC
2St-André-d'Argenteuil QC
2St-André-Est QC
2St-Anicet QC
1St-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
1St-Bernardin ON
4St-Boniface MB
2St-Bruno-de-Montarville QC
2St-Calixte QC
2St-Chrysostome QC
16St-Clet QC
4St-Cloud MN
1St-Colomban QC
1St-Donat QC
45St-Eugène ON
3St-Eustache QC
4St-Hubert QC
10St-Hyacinthe QC
1St-Isidore ON
12St-Isidore-de-Prescott ON
8St-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC
4St-Jérôme QC
2St-Jovite QC
5St-Laurent QC
21St-Lazare QC
1St-Louis OR
4St-Louis-de-Gonzague QC
12St-Pascal-Baylon ON
1St-Paul MI
1St-Paulin QC
3St-Philippe-d'Argenteuil QC
1St-Placide QC
10St-Polycarpe QC
1St-Rémi QC
1St-Sauveur QC
2St-Simon QC
1St-Sixte QC
7St-Timothée QC
1St-Urbain-Premier QC
1St-Walburg SK
5St-Zotique QC
1St.Catharines ON
1St.Helens OR
1Stanislaus CA
14Stanstead QC
2Ste-Adèle QC
1Ste-Agathe-des-Monts QC
2Ste-Angèle-de-Monnoir QC
8Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
26Ste-Anne-de-Prescott ON
6Ste-Brigide-d'Iberville QC
1Ste-Eulalie QC
4Ste-Famille-d'Aumond QC
1Ste-Julie QC
53Ste-Justine-de-Newton QC
45Ste-Marthe QC
1Ste-Rose MB
1Ste-Rose-du-Lac MB
4Ste-Thérèse QC
2Stormont ON
6Sturgeon Falls ON
6Sudbury ON
2Superior WI
2Sylvania OH
1Syracuse NY
24Tecumseh ON
1Témiscaming ON
1Thunder Bay ON
13Thurso QC
6Timmins ON
15Toledo OH
1Tomahawk WI
1Tonawanda NY
3Toronto ON
1Trenton ON
22Très-St-Rédempteur QC
1Trois-Rivières QC
1Troy NY
1Trussville AL
1Tupper Lake NY
2Utica MI
1Val-d'Or QC
2Val-des-Bois QC
1Val-des-Monts QC
5Valleyfield QC
7Vanier ON
33Vankleek Hill ON
1Vars ON
7Vaudreuil QC
14Vaudreuil-Dorion QC
1Venise-en-Québec QC
4Verdun QC
1Vermillion SD
1Vernon BC
1Ville-Marie QC
1Waitsfield VT
1Walford ON
1Warren MI
2Warren ON
1Washington WI
9Waterford NY
1Waterloo QC
1Welland ON
1Wells MI
1Westfield MA
1Westminster CA
1Westmount QC
1Whitesboro NY
1Williamstown ON
1Williston OH
1Winchester CT
41Windsor ON
2Winnipeg MB
2Winooski VT
2Woodburn OR
1Woodstock ON
1Ypres Belgique
9e Génération
(590 Ville/ 6,795 Individus)

3688Aucun lieu
1a la demande de Phil pas de service
1Abbotsford BC
1Ajax ON
4Alban ON
28Alexandria ON
23Alfred ON
1Allen Park MI
3Alma Center WI
1Almonte ON
17Alpena MI
3Alsip IL
2Amos QC
2Andover MA
1Anherstburg ON
1Anjou QC
1Ann Arbor MI
1Apple Hill ON
1Argenteuil QC
3Arlington VA
20Arnprior ON
7Attleboro MA
1Au Sable Forks NY
2Augusta MI
1Aumond QC
8Aylmer QC
1Baldwin Mills QC
1Barraute QC
3Barre VT
1Bay Cité MI
1Bay City
4Bay City MI
1Bay Pines FL
2Beaudry QC
1Beauharnois QC
1Beaver MI
1Bedford NH
2Belle River ON
1Beloeil QC
1Benbrook TX
3Bennington VT
1Bernhards Bay NY
2Big Rapids MI
1Blainville QC
1Blenheim ON
1Blezard Valley ON
7Blind River ON
1Boileau QC
6Bonnyville AB
8Boucherville QC
1Bourget ON
1Bowmanville ON
1Brighton MI
2Bristol CT
2Brockton MA
5Brockville ON
2Bromont QC
1Brook Park OH
1Brossard QC
1Brownsburg QC
5Brownsburg-Chatham QC
1Bruce ON
3Buckingham QC
1Burford ON
2Burlington ON
3Burlington VT
1Burnlington On
1Burton SC
1Bushnell FL
1Caldwell ID
3Calgary AB
1Calverton NY
1Canastota NY
1Cap-Rouge QC
1Carignan QC
1Carlsbad Springs ON
4Casselman ON
1célébration dans l'intimité
2célébration privée
1Center Line MI
2cérémonie dans l'intimité
1cérémonie plus tard dans l'année
6cérémonie privée
1Chalk River ON
1Chambly QC
1Charlemagne QC
1Charlottesville VA
19Châteauguay QC
1Cheektowaga NY
5Chelmsford ON
11Chénéville QC
3Chicago IL
3Chute-à-Blondeau ON
1Cimetière de Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci
2Clarence Creek ON
3Clinton MI
3Clinton township MI
1Cloquet MN
1Coaticook QC
1Cobalt ON
3Cochrane ON
2Colchester CT
1Concord NH
8Connaught ON
1Contrecoeur QC
1Coopersville NY
60Cornwall ON
7Coteau-du-Lac QC
1Cottonwood Heights UT
1Covina CA
1cremation privée
1Crystal Falls ON
1Culpeper VA
1Culver MN
6Curran ON
1Cyrville ON
1Dalkeith ON
1date ultérieure en toute intimité
1Dearborn MI
1Defiance OH
2Delson QC
1Denver CO
1Derby Line VT
1Derry NH
3Deschaillons QC
8Détroit MI
1Deux-Montagnes QC
1Disforth ANG
3Dollard-des-Ormeaux QC
2Dorion QC
1Dorion-Vaudreuil QC
2Dorval QC
4Drummondville QC
1Dunvegan ON
2Earlton ON
2East Dennis MA
1East Ferris ON
1East Montpelier VT
1East Windsor CT
1Eat Montpellier VT
2Eau Claire WI
5Edmonton AB
2Elk Point SD
12Ellenburg NY
1Elliott Lake ON
1Ellsworth MN
10Embrun ON
1Emeryville ON
1Englewood FL
3Espanola ON
2Everett WA
1Exeter NH
1Fairhope AL
1Farnham QC
1Fassett QC
1Fennville MI
1Fenton MI
7Field ON
6Fitchburg MA
1Flint MI
1Flushing NY
1Fonda NY
1Fonthill ON
1Fort Kent
4Fournier ON
1Fruitport MI
1Fulton NY
1Funérailles intimes en famille
1funérailles remises date ultérieure
1Garnet Valley PA
1Gaspésie QC
251Gatineau QC
1Genos OH
5Gentilly QC
1Gervais OR
1Gladstone MO
1Gladwin MI
6Glen Nevis ON
9Glen Robertson ON
2Glengarry ON
1Globe ZA
2Gloucester ON
1Gorham NH
2Gracefield QC
2Granada QC
2Granby QC
1Grand-Remous QC
4Green Valley ON
1Greenfield MA
1Grenville QC
1Grenville-sur-la-Rouge QC
1Guilford CT
3Hamilton ON
1Hammond ON
4Hanmer ON
1Hannibal NY
1Harbor Springs
1Harrogate, Angleterre
2Hartford CT
1Hartsdale NY
86Hawkesbury ON
1Hawthorne NY
2Hearst ON
1Hemmingford QC
1Henderson NV
1Holly MI
1Hoquiam WA
34Hudson QC
104Hull QC
1Ile Perrot QC
5Ile-Perrot QC
1Innisville ON
3Iroquois Falls ON
1Iroquois ON
1Jasper TX
1Jay NY
1Jenison MI
2Joliette QC
1Kalamazoo MI
1Kamsack SK
3Kapuskasing ON
1Kawkawlin MI
1Kelowna BC
5Kemptville ON
2Kent WA
1Killeen TX
1Kimberling MO
4Kingston ON
1Kirkland Lake ON
1Kissimmee FL
1L'Annonciation QC
1L'Ascencion QC
2L'Ascension QC
2L'Assomption QC
23L'Orignal ON
1la famille se recueillera en toute intimité
21La Minerve QC
2La Prairie QC
1La Sarre QC
1La Tuque QC
2Labelle QC
1Lac qui Parle MN
1Lac-des-Ecorces QC
1Lac-Saguay QC
14Lachine QC
29Lachute QC
1Lamèque NB
1Lanaudière QC
2Lancaster ON
2Lanoraie QC
1Lapeer MI
5LaSalle ON
11LaSalle QC
43Laval QC
1Lavaltrie QC
1Lawrence ON
10Lefaivre ON
36Les Cèdres QC
1Les Coteaux QC
1Lewiston NY
1Livonia MI
1Lochiel ON
3London ON
28Longueuil QC
1Loretteville QC
1Louiseville QC
1Low QC
1LYon Mountain NY
1Maidstone ON
1Malta NY
1Manchester NH
11Maniwaki QC
1Mansonville QC
10Marinette WI
1Markam ON
4Mascouche QC
6Massena NY
1Masson QC
7Mattawa ON
1Maxville ON
1McGregor ON
1McMasterville QC
1Mequon WI
4Mercier QC
1Merrickville ON
1Miami FL
1Middleburg Heights OH
3Middlebury VT
1Millcreek UT
1Minneapolis MN
1Mirabel QC
1mise en terre privée plus tard
1Mission City BC
1Mont St-Grégoire QC
1Mont-Laurier QC
1Mont-St-Grégoire QC
1Mont-Tremblant QC
15Montebello QC
13Montpellier QC
326Montréal QC
5Moose Creek ON
1Muskegon MI
1Navin MB
8New Bedford MA
1New Castle DE
1New Lenox IL
1Newark OH
1Newcastle NE
4Newport VT
1Ni exposition ni service
1Niagara Falls NY
2Niagara Falls ON
1Nicolet QC
1Nipissing ON
18Noëlville ON
1Norfolk NY
22North Bay ON
1North Bay OON
1North Hatley QC
2North Syracuse NY
1North Tonawanda NY
3North Woodslee ON
1North York ON
4North-Bay ON
1Northfield IL
1Notre-Dame-du-Portage QC
1Nowthen MN
1Oakland County MI
15Ogdensburg NY
1Oka QC
6Oldcastle ON
1Omaha NE
1Oneida NY
1Orange CA
3Oregon OH
1Orillia ON
1Orland ParK IL
1Orléan ON
13Orléans ON
2Oshawa ON
3Ossipee NH
175Ottawa ON
1Outremont QC
1Palm Beach FL
14Papineauville QC
1ParrySound ON
1pas de funérailles
1pas de service funéraire
1pas de visite pas de service
1pas de visites à la maison funéraire
1Pas-de-Calais France
1Pau France
5Pawtucket RI
1Paxton MA
2Pembroke ON
1Penetanguishene ON
1Perrysburg OH
1Perth ON
1Perth-Andover NB
1Peru NY
1Peterborough ON
1Petoskey MI
1Philipsburg QC
1Phillipsburg QC
2Pierrefonds QC
1Pine Falls MB
10Plaisance QC
18Plantagenet ON
3Plymouth NH
3Pointe-aux-Trembles QC
1Pointe-Claire QC
4Pointe-Fortune QC
1Poltimore QC
1Pont Viau QC
1Pontiac MI
1Port Colborne ON
1Potsdam NY
3Prescott ON
1Prévost QC
6Pte-Claire QC
2Pte-des-Cascades QC
4Pte-Fortune QC
5Pte-Gatineau QC
4Québec QC
1Rapid River MI
3Repentigny QC
12Richelieu QC
1Richmond CA
100Rigaud QC
68Ripon QC
1River Rouge MI
1Rivière-aux-Canards ON
3Rivière-Beaudette QC
3Rivière-Rouge QC
1Rock Island QC
1Rock MI
14Rockland ON
1Rockville MD
1Roseville MI
4Rouses Point NY
3Rouyn-Noranda QC
3Saginaw MI
1Saint Clair MI
1Saint-Basile-le-Grand QC
26Salaberry-de-Valleyfield QC
1Salem OR
1San Antonio TX
1San Bruno CA
2San Diego CA
1San Francisco CA
1Sarasota FL
4Sarnia ON
1Sarsfield ON
1Sauk Rapids MN
2Sault Ste Marie ON
2Sault-Ste-Marie ON
1Sciota NY
1Senneterre QC
1service plus tard
1Seville OH
1Shawinigan-Sud QC
2Sherbrooke QC
1Shippagan NB
1Shittenden VT
1Shoreline WA
1Smith Falls ON
3Sorel-Tracy QC
1South Dakota SD
2South Stormont ON
2Southfield MI
2Springfield MA
1Springhill ON
1St-Albans VT
31St-André-Avellin QC
1St-André-d'Argenteuil QC
2St-Anicet QC
2St-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
1St-Anne-de-Sabrevois QC
2St-Boniface MB
1St-Bruno QC
1St-Bruno-de-Montarville QC
6St-Clet QC
2St-Colomban QC
2St-Constant QC
2St-Emile-de-Suffolk QC
15St-Eugène ON
1St-Eugène-de-Grantham QC
12St-Eustache QC
1St-Faustin QC
2St-Gabriel-de-Brandon QC
1St-Guillaume ON
2St-Hipppolyte QC
6St-Hubert QC
10St-Hyacinthe QC
1St-Isidore ON
1St-Isidore QC
5St-Isidore-de-Prescott ON
6St-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC
8St-Jérôme QC
1St-Joachim ON
2St-Jovite QC
1St-Lambert QC
4St-Laurent QC
1St-Léonard QC
1St-Lin QC
1St-Louis MN
2St-Louis-de-Gonzague QC
9St-Pascal-Baylon ON
1St-Paulin QC
1St-Placide QC
2St-Polycarpe QC
1St-Rémi QC
1St-Sauveur QC
1St-Sixte QC
1St-Stanislas-de-Kostka QC
1St-Télesphore QC
1St-Valérien-de-Milton QC
2St-Zotique QC
22Stanstead QC
3Ste-Adèle QC
2Ste-Agathe-des-Monts QC
1Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré QC
5Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC
1Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière QC
21Ste-Anne-de-Prescott ON
1Ste-Brigide-d'Iberville QC
1Ste-Cécile-de-Masham QC
1Ste-Christine-de-Bagot QC
13Ste-Famille-d'Aumond QC
1Ste-Foy QC
1Ste-Geneviève QC
2Ste-Julienne QC
23Ste-Justine-de-Newton QC
1Ste-Marie-Salomé QC
23Ste-Marthe QC
1Ste-Marthe-sur-le-Lac QC
1Ste-Thérèse QC
3Stormont ON
1Stouffville ON
1Stow OH
1Stratford ON
25Sturgeon Falls ON
36Sudbury ON
1Surrey BC
1Swansea MA
1Sylvania OH
1Syracuse NY
1Tayside ON
5Tecumseh ON
1Temagami ON
2Terrebonne QC
1The Pas MB
1Therien AB
1Throop PA
9Thurso QC
1Tilbury ON
1Tillsonburg ON
1Timminis ON
13Timmins ON
1Timonium MD
9Toledo OH
2Tonawanda NY
1Toronto ON
1Treadwell ON
1Trenton ON
14Très-St-Rédempteur QC
3Trois-Rivières QC
3Troy NY
2Tupper Lake NY
1Uxbridge ON
4Val-d'Or QC
1Valatie NY
2Valley East ON
1Vancouver BC
8Vanier ON
1Vanier QC
26Vankleek Hill ON
1Varennes QC
1Vars ON
5Vaudreuil QC
21Vaudreuil-Dorion QC
5Venise-en-Québec QC
13Verdun QC
1Vergennes VT
1Verner ON
1Vernon ON
2Victoria BC
2Victoriaville QC
3Villeroy QC
1Vimy AB
1Virginia Beach VA
1Wainfleet ON
1Wainwright AB
1Walford ON
1Warren MI
1Warrensburg MO
1Washington DC
1Waterbury VT
1Waterford MI
3Waterloo QC
1Watertown NY
11Welland ON
1Westbrook CT
1Westbrook ME
1Wheatley ON
1Whitby ON
1Whiting VT
1Williamston ON
1Willsboro NY
1Wilmington NC
37Windsor ON
1Windsor VT
1Winnipeg MB
2Winooski VT
1Woodburn OR
1Woodslee ON
1Woodstock ON
2Worcester MA
1Wyandotte MI
1Yorkshire Angleterre
10e Génération
(366 Ville/ 7,994 Individus)

6701Aucun lieu
1Abitibi QC
1Akron OH
1Alachua FL
8Alban ON
5Alexandria ON
1Alexandria PA
3Alfred ON
4Alpena MI
1Alsip IL
1Amos QC
1Andover MA
1Anjou QC
3Arnprior ON
1Aucun rituel funéraire
3Aylmer QC
1Azilda ON
1Barbers Bay ON
1Bay County MI
1Bayou AL
2Beaudry QC
1Bedford QC
3Belle River ON
1Beloeil QC
1Bennington VT
2Berlin NH
1Blainville QC
1Blezard Valley ON
3Blind River ON
4Boileau QC
1Bois-des-Filion QC
5Bonnyville AB
1Boucherville QC
2Bourne MA
1Brampton ON
1Brighton VT
1Brockville ON
1Bromptonville QC
1Brossard QC
1Brownsburg-Chatham QC
2Burlington ON
3Bushnell FL
2Calgary AB
1Callender ON
1Cantley QC
2Carleton ON
1Carson city NV
1cérémonie avec la famille immédiate seulement
1cérémonie commémorative à l'automne
3cérémonie dans l'intimité
2cérémonie intime
1cérémonie plus tard dans l'année
1cérémonie plus tard dans l'intimité
1cérémonie privée
1Charlotte MI
4Châteauguay QC
5Chelmsford ON
6Chénéville QC
1Chicago IL
1Chiswick ON
1Chute-à-Blondeau ON
3Clinton MI
5Clinton township MI
1Cobalt ON
1Cochrane ON
1Cohoes NY
6Connaught ON
21Cornwall ON
4Coteau-du-Lac QC
1Cottonwood Heights UT
1Curran ON
1dans l'intimité de la famille
3Dearborn Heights MI
1Dearborn MI
1Derby Line VT
3Détroit MI
1Deux Montagnes QC
2Dollard-des-Ormeaux QC
1Dorval QC
3Drummondville QC
1East Farmingdale NY
2East Ferris ON
1East Montpelier VT
4Edmonton AB
1Elk Lake ON
4Ellenburg NY
1Elliot Lake ON
1Embrun ON
1Emeryville ON
1En privé
1Englehart ON
1Epsom NH
1Espanola ON
1Evansville IN
1Exeter NH
1Fairhaven MA
1Fall River MA
1Fauquier ON
5Field ON
1Fletcher NC
1Fredericton NB
1Fresno CA
1funérailles dans l'intimité
1funérailles privées
106Gatineau QC
1Genoa OH
2Gentilly QC
1Girard OH
1Glen Nevis ON
2Glen Robertson ON
1Glenwalter ON
4Granada QC
1Grand Blanc MI
1Grand-Remous QC
3Green Valley ON
1Greenfield MA
1Greenwood ON
1Grenville QC
1Groesbeek Hollande
2Gwinn MI
1Hamilton ON
1Hanmer ON
1Harbor Springs
1Hartland NB
27Hawkesbury ON
1Highgate Center VT
1Hight Springs FL
1Hinesburg VT
1Hudson NH
6Hudson QC
1Hughson CA
20Hull QC
1Hungtington Beach CA
1Ile Perrot QC
1Ile-Perrot QC
1Innisville ON
4Iroquois Falls ON
1Island Pond VT
1Jarettsville MD
1Johnson VT
3Kanata ON
1Kangigsualujjuaq QC
13Kapuskasing ON
4Kemptville ON
1Kenora ON
2Kingston ON
1Kirkland Lake
3Kirkland Lake ON
2Kitchener ON
9L'Orignal ON
2La Minerve QC
3La Prairie QC
4Labelle QC
5Lachine QC
25Lachute QC
1Lakeland FL
4LaSalle QC
24Laval QC
1Lavaltrie QC
1Lavigne ON
2Lefaivre ON
4Les Cèdres QC
1Lewiston MI
4Lisbon NY
1liturgie en privé
1Lively ON
2Livonia MI
2Lochiel ON
2London ON
1Long Sault ON
12Longueuil QC
1Loretteville QC
1Louiseville QC
1Ludington MI
1Lupton MI
1Madrid NY
1Magog QC
2Manchester NH
1Manhattan NY
1Manitowoc WI
4Maniwaki QC
1Marianna FL
5Marinette WI
1Martintown ON
1Mascouche QC
1Massena NY
13Mattawa ON
3McGregor ON
2Mequon WI
1messe et funérailles plus tard
1Messe privée
1Mirabel QC
1Mississauga ON
4Mont St-Grégoire QC
2Mont-Laurier QC
4Montebello QC
18Montpellier QC
140Montréal QC
1Montréal-Nord QC
1Morrinsonville NY
1Napierville QC
1Nepean ON
2New Bedford MA
1Newark NJ
5Newport VT
1Nipissing ON
1no obituary provided
1No services
1Noblesville IN
13Noëlville ON
11North Bay ON
1North Olmsted OH
1North Woodslee ON
2North-Bay ON
3Ogdensburg NY
1Oldcastle ON
3Orléans ON
1Oshawa ON
3Ossipee NH
1Oswego NY
54Ottawa ON
1Outremont QC
1Panaca NV
12Papineauville QC
1Pas de service
1pas de service a la demande du défunt
2pas de service funéraire
1pas de visite ni service
1Pawtucket RI
1Paxton MA
1Peru NY
1Pierrefonds QC
1Pierreville QC
1Pine Falls MB
1Piopolis QC
3Plaisance QC
6Plantagenet ON
1Plattsburgh NY
1Pointe-aux-Trembles QC
1Pointe-Claire QC
1Port Colborne ON
2Portage MI
1Porterville CA
1Prévost QC
3Pte-Claire QC
2Québec QC
2Randolph Center VT
1Red Deer AB
1Régina SK
2Repentigny QC
1Richland WA
23Rigaud QC
1Rimouski QC
18Ripon QC
1rite à une date ultérieure
5Rockland ON
1Rocky Hill CT
1Rosemère QC
2Roseville MI
1Rouses Point NY
1Rouyn Noranda QC
7Rouyn-Noranda QC
1Saint Clair MI
1Saint-Clair MI
7Salaberry-de-Valleyfield QC
4Sarnia ON
1Sarsfield ON
1Sault Ste-Marie ON
2Sault-Ste-Marie ON
1Scarborough ON
2Sciota NY
4service privé
1Sierra Vista AZ
1Sorel-Tracy QC
1South Gower ON
1South Jordan UT
1Springfield MA
1St-Albans VT
2St-André-Avelin QC
10St-André-Avellin QC
1St-Anne-de-Sabrevois QC
2St-Bernardin ON
1St-Boniface MB
1St-Canut QC
1St-Clet QC
2St-Constant QC
4St-Eugène ON
1St-Eugène-d'Argentenay QC
1St-Eustache QC
2St-Gabriel-de-Brandon QC
1St-Hermas QC
1St-Hipppolyte QC
3St-Hubert QC
1St-Hyacinthe QC
1St-Isidore QC
1St-Isidore-de-Prescott ON
1St-Jacques QC
1St-Janvier QC
3St-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC
5St-Jérôme QC
2St-Laurent QC
1St-Lazare QC
5St-Philippe-d'Argenteuil QC
3St-Polycarpe QC
1St-Rémi QC
2St-Rémi-d'Amherst QC
1St-Télesphore QC
1St.Albert AB
12Stanstead QC
1Stark OH
1Ste-Anne-des-Lacs QC
1Ste-Anne-des-Plaines QC
7Ste-Famille-d'Aumond QC
4Ste-Justine-de-Newton QC
1Ste-Marthe QC
3Ste-Thérèse QC
1Sterling Heights MI
1Stow OH
1Strathroy ON
3Sturgeon Falls ON
1Sturgeon's Falls ON
26Sudbury ON
1Swatara township PA
1Taos NM
2Tecumseh ON
1Temiskaming ON
1Terrebonne QC
5Thurso QC
1Tillsongburg ON
14Timmins ON
1Toledo OH
2Toronto ON
3Treadwell ON
1Très-St-Rédempteur QC
2Trois-Rivières QC
1Troy NY
1Tupper Lake NY
1Val David QC
1Val Therese ON
1Val-des-Bois QC
1Vancouver BC
3Vanier ON
28Vankleek Hill ON
9Vaudreuil-Dorion QC
6Verdun QC
2Vernon ON
1Vimy AB
1Wabamun AB
3Wainwright AB
1Wakefield QC
1Warners NY
1Warren ON
1Waterloo ON
6Welland ON
1Wendover ON
1Westfield NB
2Westlock AB
1White River Junction VT
29Windsor ON
1Winnipeg MB
1Winnipge MB
1Woodslee ON
11e Génération
(137 Ville/ 4,304 Individus)

4029Aucun lieu
5Alban ON
1Alexandria ON
3Alfred ON
3Alpena MI
1Amherstburg ON
6Amos QC
1Arvida QC
1Beebe QC
1Beloeil QC
1Boisbriand QC
1Boucherville QC
1Brentwood MD
1Bristol CT
1Brockville ON
1Casselman ON
1Castleton VT
1célébration en septembre
1Celebration of Life in Tiffany's Memory will be Celebrated in late February.
1célébration plus tard
1Chalk River ON
1Chelmsford ON
1Cloudslee ON
1Colchester ON
20Cornwall ON
1Coteau-du-Lac QC
1Crématoire Hillcrest
1Dallas VA
1Détroit MI
1Dubuisson QC
1Edmonton AB
2Elliot Lake ON
1Elliott Lake ON
1Embro ON
15Gatineau QC
1Gettysburg PA
1Granada QC
1Granisle CB
1Hamilton ON
1Hanmer ON
5Hawkesbury ON
1Hazeldean ON
4Hull QC
1incinéré pas de service
1Iron Bridge ON
1Iroquois Falls ON
3Island Pond VT
1Kansas MO
4Kapuskasing ON
1Kelowna BC
1Kingston NS
2Kingston ON
1Knoxville TN
9Lachute QC
1LaSalle QC
4Laval QC
1Le Gardeur QC
1Lewiston MI
1Limoges ON
1Lisbon NY
4Lively ON
1Lloydminster SK
3Longueuil QC
1Ludington MI
1Maniwaki QC
1Massena NY
1Maxville ON
1Montebello QC
2Montpellier QC
19Montréal QC
1Nepean ON
1New Bedford MA
1New Liskeard ON
1Newport VT
1Niagara Falls ON
4Noëlville ON
1North Bay ON
1Ogdensburg NY
2Orléans ON
6Ottawa ON
6Papineauville QC
1pas de cérémonie
2pas de service funéraire
1Pembroke ON
1Picton ON
1Plaisance QC
1Pointe-Claire QC
1Québec QC
1Rapides-des-Joachims QC
5Repentigny QC
1Richmond Hill ON
1Richmond QC
1Richmond VA
1Rigaud QC
2Ripon QC
1Riverside RI
1Rosemère QC
2Rouses Point NY
1Sarnia ON
1sépulture dans l'intimité
1Springhill ON
1St-Albert ON
2St-André-Avellin QC
1St-Constant QC
1St-Eustache QC
1St-Hyacinthe QC
1St-Isidore QC
1St-Jérôme QC
1St-Lin-Laurentides QC
1St-Philippe-d'Argenteuil QC
1St-Rémi QC
1St-Zotique QC
2Stanstead QC
1Ste-Famille-d'Aumond QC
1Ste-Julienne QC
1Ste-Justine-de-Newton QC
1Ste-Marthe QC
6Sudbury ON
1Tecumseh ON
1Thurso QC
5Timmins ON
6Treadwell ON
1Trois-Rivières QC
1Vankleek Hill ON
1Ventnor ON
2Verdun QC
2Wakefield MA
1Wawa ON
1Welland ON
1Wells MI
1Weymouth MA
1Williamston VT
6Windsor ON
1Winnipeg MB
12e Génération
(32 Ville/ 1,017 Individus)

978Aucun lieu
1Blind River ON
1cérémonie privée
9Cornwall ON
1Dallas TX
1Détroit MI
1Elliot Lake ON
1Fairhaven MA
1Hull QC
1Ingleside On
1Kamloops BC
1Kapuskasing ON
1Kenora ON
1Limoges ON
1Mattawa ON
1Milwaukee WI
1Montpellier QC
1Noëlville ON
1Oldcastle ON
1Ottawa ON
1Pointe-Calumet QC
1Ripon QC
1Royersford PA
1Sault Ste-Marie ON
1South Porcupine ON
1St-André-Avellin QC
1Sudbury ON
1Timmins ON
1Wasaga Beach ON
1Williamsburg MI
1Windsor ON
13e Génération
(5 Ville/ 116 Individus)

110Aucun lieu
3Cornwall ON
1Long Sault ON
1Port Elgin ON
1St-Jérôme QC
14e Génération
(1 Ville/ 5 Individus)

5Aucun lieu
15e Génération